

Import License in Indonesia : Types and Requirements

  Import is one of the trade activities legally transporting goods or commodities from one country to our country. The number of imported goods generally requires interference from customs in sending and receiving countries. Import license in Indonesia needed to import goods to the Indonesian market. It’s only for the particular industry and has restrictions...

Retirement Visa Indonesia : the Best Choice

  Indonesia is one of the most beautiful countries to lives in when the people, environment, and culture will never disappoint us. Furthermore, Indonesia is also known as a low living expenses country. So, having a plan to spend the retirement phase in Indonesia is absolutely a great choice that will never go wrong. Retirement...

Stay Permit in Indonesia: Types and Differences

  Have any business related to Indonesia in the relatively long term? If yes, a stay permit is needed to obtain. Therefore, knowing the differences among the kind of stay permits in Indonesia is very important to match the need. There are three types of stay permit in Indonesia:   Visit Stay Permit in Indonesia...

Company Name in Indonesia: How to Choose it?

  Preparing a company name in Indonesia is an important step to set up a company in Indonesia. If you prepare a company name, it should fulfill the requirement and legal aspects to be registered. This article will help to find out about it.   How to Choose Company Name in Indonesia? Before a company...

How to Set Up an Organization in Indonesia

Are you willing to set up an organization in Indonesia? Before establishing it, you had better learn more about it. In our daily life, we know many kinds of organizations. The organizations are established with specialties ranging from religious cultural social to business activities. However, they are equal in law.    Types of Organizations in...

KITAP: The Most Wanted Permit in Indonesia

  Introduction to KITAP KITAP (in English: permanent residence permit card) is a stay permit given to foreigners who want to stay in Indonesia for a long time. It is valid for 5 years and can be extended continuously as long as the residence permit is not revoked. Even you have to apply for a...

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