Company Name in Indonesia: How to Choose it?


Preparing a company name in Indonesia is an important step to set up a company in Indonesia. If you prepare a company name, it should fulfill the requirement and legal aspects to be registered. This article will help to find out about it.


How to Choose Company Name in Indonesia?

Before a company name is going to register, a Public Notary must approve it. Therefore, things that must follow in choosing a company name are:



If the company type is a local company in Indonesia, it must use fully Indonesian. However, if the company is a foreign investment company, you can use a partially or fully foreign language. It is a must to write the company name in the Latin alphabet.


A New Name

Please ensure that the company name has never been used before by any company, either an inactive one. However, don’t worry!! You can check the company name here.



The company name should not be similar to any government or international institutions and organizations.


Contain at least Three Words

Actually, it is an unwritten regulation. However, the system always rejects company name applications composed of 2 (two) words.


Avoid Using Obscene Words

It is prohibited to use obscene or vulgar words to create conflict with the public order or morality.


Do Not Use Number or Special Character

Avoid using numbers and characters. Using any letter or number combinations that do not form a coherent word is not allowed.


Not Contain Business Classification

Make sure not to put any word with a business classification meaning, for example, PT Joint Venture Company.

If the Legal Entity Information System approves the company name application, it will last for 60 (sixty) days. It will start to count before the end of which shareholders and Public Notary signed the company’s Deed of Establishment.

Do you need our help to choose a company name? Please contact us!


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