Dependent Visa KITAS Indonesia: Requirements and Procedure

What Is a Dependent Visa KITAS Indonesia?

A Dependent Visa KITAS or called Indonesian family reunion visa allows foreigners who hold an IMTA and work visa KITAS to bring their husbands/wives and children under the age of 18 years old. 

Please note that a Dependent Visa does not allow family members to work in Indonesia or earn income from Indonesian companies. 

However, if a Dependent Visa holder would like to work in Indonesia later, you can apply for an IMTA and earn an income to work a part-time position, not a full-time position. Furthermore, if you get paid, you need to register a Tax ID (NPWP) and submit yearly Individual Tax Reports.

For a Dependent Visa holder that plans to work a full-time position, you can apply for a Working Visa KITAS and change your sponsor to your new employer. 

Requirements for Obtaining Dependent Visa KITAS

Requirements for Obtaining Dependent Visa-KITAS

If you are willing to obtain this visa, the Dependent Visa KITAS, you should meet some requirements as follows:

  1. Certificate of marriage.
  2. Indonesian spouse’s family registry (if any).
  3. Bank statement.
  4. Indonesian spouse’s identity card or birth certificate (if any).
  5. Original passport with a validity of at least 18 months.
  6. Two passport photos with a red background.
  7. Copy of passport’s main page.
  8. Copy of visa stamp of the country where the application takes place.


How to Obtain a Dependent Visa KITAS Indonesia?

Follow these steps to apply for a dependent visa KITAS!

VITAS Approval

The first thing you should do is preparing the required documents as mentioned above. Afterward, apply for a VITAS (temporary stay visa pre-approval). Next, the VITAS will be issued to your email in an electronic visa format (E-Visa) to be printed and brought with you. Once you get an E-Visa, you can enter Indonesia.   

Travel to Indonesia

Then, you can travel to Indonesia once your VITAS has been approved. The immigration department will grant a stamp on your passport with the ITAS. This means you can stay in Indonesia legally. This ITAS is valid for one year and can be extended.

Obtain KITAS

After staying in Indonesia for a few days, you can visit the immigration offices to gain your KITAS which is a physical card to show the authorities you are eligible to stay in Indonesia. The KITAS is now available as an online record together with MERP (Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit). Your MERP will boast the same duration as your KITAS.

Civil Registration and Reporting

Afterward, you must register and report to a related party. You should proceed in the civil administration department to obtain  an Indonesian Police Report Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor / STM) and  a Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident (Surat Keterangan Pendaftaran Penduduk Sementara / SKPPS

Note that, after 2 (two) years of marriage with your Indonesian spouse, you can convert your KITAS/ITAS (limited stay permit) to KITAP (permanent stay permit). 

How to obtain investor kitas/itas for foreigners

If you do not have time to apply for your dependent visa KITAS personally, please contact SAM Consulting with a professional team ready to help at any time. Furthermore, SAM Consulting has a 10 years proven track record of handling international clients.

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