KITAS (Limited Stay Permit) Indonesia: Requirements & Procedure


ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas) is a Limited Stay Permit for foreigners or expatriates to stay or work in Indonesia for a period of time. In addition, the Indonesian government issued a physical card for an ITAS known as KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) Limited Star Permit Card, but now KITAS is issued digitally. 

This Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) is valid for 6 (six) months, 1 (one) year up to 2 (two) years. This permit can be extended by an applicant according to laws and regulations. Then, after 2 (two) years, it is still possible for foreigners to extend it. 


Laws and Regulations

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Government regulates regarding KITAS (limited stay permit) as follows:

  • Law number 13 of 2013 concerning Manpower.
  • Government Regulation (PP) number 31 of 2013 concerning Implementing Regulation of Act number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.
  • Regulation of Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) number 27 of 2014.
  • Government Regulation number 26 of 2016 concerning Amendment to Government Regulation number 31 of 2013 concerning Implementing Regulation of Act number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. (PP 26 / 2016).
  • Regulation of Ministry of Law and Human Rights number 16 of 2018 concerning the procedure of issuing visa and stay permits of foreign workers.
  • Presidential Regulation number 20 of 2018 concerning the use of foreign workers. 

A Sort of KITAS

The government issues three kinds of KITAS (limited stay permit), namely:

Kitas indonesia type

  • KITAS Working Visa

KITAS or ITAS is commonly used for foreigners who want to work in Indonesia. However, foreigners also need a work permit known as the Approval of Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (Pengesahan RPTKA) mentioning the job titles,  specific tasks, and the length of employment of a foreign worker. 

Furthermore, to apply for a working visa KITAS, you must obtain sponsorship from your employer which is a registered company within Indonesia. These companies include:

  • An Indonesian-owned company (PT PMDN).
  • A foreign-owned company (PT PMA).
  • A representative office.

A working KITAS/ITAS holder also can re-enter Indonesia multiple times with one permit that is referred to as a MERP (Multiple Exit and Re-entry Permit).


  • KITAS Spouse Visa 

The main requirement to obtain a Spouse Visa KITAS /ITAS is getting married to an Indonesian citizen. You also need an official marriage certificate approved by the Indonesian government. Authorized offices that can perform marriages are religious affairs offices (Kantor Urusan Agama / KUA) and civil registry offices (kantor catatan sipil).

Furthermore, getting married directly in Indonesia is the best choice for a spouse visa KITAS. Based on marriage law in Indonesia, the marriage to an Indonesian spouse is valid only when it is performed in accordance with the regulations and religious beliefs of both husband and wife in Indonesia.

This KITAS spouse visa only allows foreigners to stay, not being employed in Indonesia, only as a freelancer.


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  • KITAS Retirement Visa

KITAS Retirement Visa is for foreigners with the age of 55 years or older and would like to spend their retirement in Indonesia. To obtain this KITAS retirement visa, you can enter Indonesia first, then after a month, you can apply for a KITAS retirement visa. 

In addition, the KITAS retirement visa is a type of long-term visa that you can obtain through an online application and should meet some requirements. 

With a retirement KITAS/ITAS, you can live in Indonesia, enter and exit the country as many as possible. Also you are allowed to obtain a local bank account and hire a driver or domestic helper. However, please note that you are not allowed to work at all in Indonesia. 


Who Is Eligible to Apply for KITAS (limited stay permit)?

The following are the ones who are eligible to apply for KITAS (limited stay permit):

eligable for apply kitas

  1. Foreigners entering Indonesia with a limited stay visa.
  2. Children that were born in Indonesia with their father and/or mother of a KITAS holder at the time of birth.
  3. Foreigners that are converted from a visit stay permit.
  4. Foreigners who get married legally to an Indonesian citizen.
  5. Children of foreigners that are legally married to Indonesian citizens.
  6. Captain, crew, or foreign experts on board ships or institutions which operate in Indonesian waters and jurisdictions. 


Required Documents to Apply for KITAS

Here are some required documents to obtain KITAS, namely:

  1. Your valid passport and a colored copy of your passport.
  2. Proof of financial solvency
  3. Two passport-size colored pictures
  4. Any other documents that may be requested by the Immigration Department depending on the KITAS you apply for.

Requirement document to apply foor KItas

Procedure to Obtain KITAS

For foreigners who would like to apply for KITAS, Sam Consulting offers a KITAS service that makes it easy for you to obtain KITAS. 

That’s all the review of limited stay permit or KITAS/ITAS. If you need more information regarding the visa or permit, please contact SAM Consulting with a professional team ready to help any time. Furthermore, SAM Consulting has a 10 years proven track record of handling international clients.


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