Stay Permit in Indonesia: Types and Differences


Have any business related to Indonesia in the relatively long term? If yes, a stay permit is needed to obtain. Therefore, knowing the differences among the kind of stay permits in Indonesia is very important to match the need.

There are three types of stay permit in Indonesia:


Visit Stay Permit in Indonesia (ITK)

ITK is given for a short-term visit (30-60 days) for those, such as:

  • Firstly, Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory with a visit visa,
  • Meanwhile, a child born in Indonesia’s territory and at the time of birth, the father and or mother was the holder of a Visit Stay Permit also eligible to hold ITK.
  • Then, foreigners from countries exempted from the obligation to have a visa by statutory provisions.
  • After that, a foreigner assigned as a child is a means of transportation anchored or in the territory of Indonesia under the statutory provisions.
  • Also. foreigners who enter Indonesian territory in a state of emergency, and
  • Lastly, foreigners who enter the territory of Indonesia with a Visit Visa on Arrival.

Know more about Business Visa Indonesia.


Limited Stay Permit in Indonesia (ITAS)

ITAS is a permit for foreigners that enter the territory of Indonesia with a limited stay visa or foreigners that eligible for status transfer from an ITK, which covers:

  • Foreigners in the context of investment;
  • Work as an expert;
  • Performing duties as clergy;
  • Attending education and training;
  • Carry out scientific research;
  • Joining a husband or wife who holds a limited stay permit; a father and or mother for children of foreign Nationality who have a family law relationship with the father and or mother of an Indonesian citizen, even the father and or mother holding a limited stay permit or permanent residence permit for children who are under 18 (eighteen) years of age and have not yet married;
  • Foreigners ex Indonesian citizens; and
  • Foreign elderly tourists.
  • Children who at the time of birth in the Indonesian territory the father and or mother hold a limited stay permit;
  • Foreign captains, crew, or foreign experts onboard ships, floating devices, or installations operating in the territorial waters and jurisdiction of Indonesia under the provisions of laws and regulations;
  • Foreigners that legally married to Indonesian citizens; or
  • Children of foreigners that legally married Indonesian citizens.
  • Foreigner to do short-term work.

Furthermore, an ITAS Valid from 90 days up to 2 years.


Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP)

Above all stay permits in Indonesia, ITAP is the most wanted permit in Indonesia due to the advantages. An ITAP is given to certain foreigners to live and settle in Indonesia’s territory as a resident of Indonesia. The permit eligible in the case of:

permanent Stay Permit ITAP

  • Firstly, Foreigners who hold limited stay permits as clergy, workers, investors, and older people, also family due to mixed marriage;
  • Then, Husband, wife, and or children of foreigners who hold permanent residence permits;
  • Lastly, Foreigner, ex-Indonesian citizen, and ex-child subject to the dual citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, it is mandatory to hold ITAS that already been extended for 5 (five) years after that can be transformed into ITAP.

However, during this COVID-19 situation, special regulation of stay permit applied by the Government of Indonesia. Please check it here.

Do you find any difficulties in applying for a stay permit? Please contact us


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