Stay Permit Sponsorship Indonesia: Who are eligible?


Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration regulates the definition of sponsor or guarantor. A guarantor is a person or corporation responsible for the presence and activities of foreigners while in the territory of Indonesia. Obtain a stay permit sponsorship in Indonesia is a vital thing to have. A foreigner can’t choose randomly for a person to be a stay permit sponsorship in Indonesia since the Government has some specific criteria.


How to choose a stay permit sponsorship in Indonesia?

Based on the laws and regulations in Indonesia, three legal subjects can become sponsors for foreigners who want to stay in Indonesia. The guarantor and sponsor have a crucial position in the visa process.

  1. Spouse of foreign citizens who will come to Indonesia, in the case of mixed marriages. Foreign nationals who are married to Indonesian citizens can obtain guarantees from their spouses who are Indonesian citizens. Spouses of Indonesian citizens can be the person in charge of regular visas.
  2. Every Indonesian citizen can also become a guarantor or sponsor of a visa for foreign citizens. Visas that can be sponsored by ordinary Indonesian citizens are Visa on Arrival and Repatriation Visa. Repatriates are foreign ex-Indonesian citizens who wish to live in the Indonesian Territory.
  3. Indonesian companies can also become sponsors or guarantors for Foreign Workers (Foreign Citizens who come to Indonesia to work). However, not all Indonesian companies can become sponsors or guarantors for their employees. Only Indonesian companies that have a minimum paid-up capital of IDR 1 billion can become guarantors.


Responsibilities as a Stay Permit Sponsorship

Meanwhile, the guarantor or sponsor has various responsibilities after the guarantee for the foreign worker has obtained a visa. These responsibilities are:

  1. firstly, be responsible for the existence and behavior of foreign nationals or foreign workers during their existence in Indonesia;
  2. next, report any changes in civil status, immigration status, and changes in the address of the foreigner who is their responsibility;
  3. lastly, pay costs arising from the return or return of foreign nationals or foreign workers who are under guarantee by him if The residence permit for the foreign citizen or foreign worker in question has expired; the subject of immigration action in the form of deportation.

Read The new regulation about stay permit in Indonesia during covid-19.

Do you need a sponsor to apply for a stay permit in Indonesia? Please contact us!

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