Working Visa KITAS Indonesia: A Complete Guide to Obtain It

Do you plan to build a career in Indonesia? You should have a working visa and work permit to work in Indonesia. Prepare some required documents to obtain this visa as this is a long process that involves related parties, such as the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (RPTKA), and your employer. 

What Is a Working Visa KITAS?

The Working Visa KITAS is issued to foreigners to be employed in Indonesia. However, foreigners also need to gain a work permit known as the Approval of Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (Pengesahan RPTKA/Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing) mentioning the job titles,  specific tasks, and the length of employment of a foreign worker. 

Furthermore, to apply for a working visa KITAS, you must obtain sponsorship from your employer which is a registered company within Indonesia. These companies include:

  • An Indonesian-owned company (PT PMDN).
  • A foreign-owned company (PT PMA).
  • A representative office.

A working KITAS/ITAS holder also can re-enter Indonesia multiple times with one permit referred to as a MERP (Multiple Exit and Re-entry Permit).

This working visa is suitable for foreigners who would like to come to Indonesia for long-term work purposes. Also, this visa is a frequently issued visa for foreign workers under a contract with an employer in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, you can apply for a business visa to participate or attend business-related purposes, such as business talks, a short course, a short training, purchase goods, meetings, a conference/seminar/exhibition, as well as negotiating potential business deals or any other business-related purposes. 

The business visa is not allowed to be hired or employed by a company/organization in Indonesia, or generate any income while in Indonesia


The Validity of Working Visa KITAS

The validity of working visa kitas


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Laws and Regulations

The Indonesian Government issued the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Regulation number 8 of 2021 concerning implementing regulation of government regulation number 34 of 2021 concerning the utilization of foreign workers. This regulation revoked MOM Regulation number 10 of 2018 concerning the utilization of foreign workers. 

That new regulation mentions the Foreign Worker Utilization Plan Approval (Pengesahan RPTKA) as an authority to issue a limited stay visa (VITAS). The immigration in Indonesia will issue a limited stay permit (KITAS/ITAS) once the foreign workers have received a VITAS. 


Requirements for Obtaining a Working Visa

Requirement for obtaining a working visa

For foreign workers (employees) who are willing to gain a working visa KITAS should meet these requirements as follows:

  1. Indonesian VITAS application form completed, dated, and signed.
  2. An original passport valid for more than 6 (six) months expiration date upon arrival in Indonesia and has at least 3 blank pages (amendment and endorsement pages cannot be used).
  3. One colored passport-sized photo (not smaller than 4×6 cm).
  4. A copy of the highest degree of education.
  5. Proof of work experiences concerning the position you apply for.
  6. A contract of employment showing job description and salary offered in Indonesia.
  7. A reference letter from the employer citing the purpose of visit and length of stay.
  8. Proof of life insurance, medical insurance, and travel for your entire stay in Indonesia.
  9. Proof of sufficient funds.
  10. Other related documents.

Those required documents should be legalized by relevant authorities. 


The Procedure to Obtain a Working Visa KITAS


To gain a working visa KITAS, you should obtain a work permit, VITAS, and ITAS. Here are some differences between those terms:

  • A work permit (IMTA) is intended for foreigners to work in Indonesia. After receiving an IMTA, the foreigners need to gain a limited stay permit (KITAS).
  • VITAS (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas) is a stay permit issued by the Indonesian Immigration Department.
  • ITAS is the immigration status materialized as a stamp on a passport.
  • KITAS is the physical card provided when ITAS is granted.

Once you have found an employer in Indonesia, you can follow these procedures:


  • Your Employer Applies for Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (RPTKA)

First, your employer will apply for a Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (RPTKA/Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing) from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to prove that you are qualified for a particular job. Once the MOM has approved it, your employer will proceed to apply for an Indonesian work visa. 


  • Obtain an Indonesian Work Permit (IMTA)

Afterward, your employer applies for a work permit (IMTA) to the Ministry of Manpower along with required documents citing you are eligible to gain the job. You should also attach your work and education history, a copy of your passport, and other related documents. Once approved, your employer will receive an authorization document mentioning you are allowed to work in Indonesia.


  • Apply for a VITAS

The next step is applying for a VITAS (temporary stay permit). 

In the beginning, your employer should submit the VITAS application form to the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) which takes 5 working days. Once approved, the BKPM will issue a recommendation letter to the Indonesian Immigration Department. 

Afterward, you will apply for a VITAS at the Indonesian Consulate or Embassy. You also will attach the required documents comprising the work permit (IMTA) and the BKPM’s recommendation letter. 


  • Enter Indonesia

Then, you can travel to Indonesia once your VITAS has been approved. The immigration department will grant a stamp on your passport with the ITAS. This means you can stay and work in Indonesia legally. This ITAS is valid for one year and can be extended.


  • Obtain KITAS

After staying in Indonesia for a few days, you can visit the immigration offices to gain your KITAS which is a physical card to show the authorities you are eligible to stay and work in Indonesia. KITAS is now available as an online record together with MERP (Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit). Your MERP will boast the same duration as your KITAS.

In addition,, you should proceed to obtain an Indonesian Police Report Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor / STM) in the local municipality’s police department and population office. Also you need to gain a Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident (Surat Keterangan Pendaftaran Penduduk Sementara / SKPPS). 

The procedure to obtain working visa kitas

In conclusion, the working visa KITAS is a long process you should pass in order to stay and work in Indonesia. Therefore, you had better start 6 months prior to the date of arrival in Indonesia.

If you do not have time to apply for your working visa KITAS personally, please contact SAM Consulting with a professional team ready to help any time. Furthermore, SAM Consulting has a 10 years proven track record of handling international clients.


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